Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7/24 Near Santa Cruz, CA

Haven't posted in a few days because I drove all the way from Nevada and made it to Napa on Friday, July 20.  I was very happy to see kids, and they were excited to see my new RV.  It took M only about four minutes to move in--she ran in and took a quick look, then headed back to her room and returned with a blanket and a basket of stuffed toys.  B was fast behind with his treasured posessions. 

Rob and I and the kids have slept every night in it since: two nights in the driveway and the last two nights in a campground near Santa Cruz.  We are right in the middle of the redwoods.  Can you believe the size of the trees at our site?

Took a train ride today and then spent an hour or so at a nearby beach, and had dinner out:

Now we are back at our campsite and ready for bed.  Tomorrow is the Santa Cruz boardwalk area!  Nice to be in sunny California!


  1. Glad you made it to CA. Sounds like there were some rough driving stretches along the way. I have fond memories of the Redwood trees in the Santa Cruz mountains. Did you drive the beast over the hill on 17? That's a tough drive even in a car!

    1. Which hill? I know 17 was one of the roads we took to get here, but I drove some really miserable hills getting here through the other states, so am pretty hill-shocked at this point.

      17 was under construction, which made me nervous with all the tight turns and barrels.

  2. Glad you are having fun with your family. My grandkids love to go in the RV too. I always remind them of the rules: be gentle--it has to last Grandma a long time and, the RV isn't a big house so you have to put things away when you aren't using them. That usually does the trick and they are glad to help.

