This is a really nice two-and-a-half-hour boat tour that goes from the top of Waterton Lake in Canada to the far south end, which is in the United States. There is a ranger station and Peace Pavilion at this south end which is only accessible by boat and very energetic hikers, so it is well worth the trip to see the fantastic mountains along the lake.
There is a pleasant little park next to the boat dock with a commemorative sign and several large boards describing the park and its wildlife.
Long line to get on the boat, but I managed to set a seat on the top so I could more easily take photos. This boat is owned by a U.S. company and was constructed on the lake, mainly because there is no river deep enough to get it here in one piece!
There are a lot of lines along the mountains that are the result of rock slides and melting snow, but the one on the far left is very straight and it indicated the border of the U.S. and Canada.
There is a similarly cleared line on the other side of the lake, indicating the border. Note the identifying post near the shore.
More mountain photos.
And finally we arrive at the boat dock at the U.S. end. A short walk to the right is the rangers' area. There are several of them who live there year round. They access this place from Waterton, as there are no roads anywhere near here. The building shown has rest rooms and posters about the peace symbolism of the two glacier national parks.
Mount Cleveland, which is the tallest mountain in either park.
Pretty view towards Waterton!
Notice the upside down V-shaped fold in the rock here. This must have taken eons of time and a lot of pressure.
Here, a small stream empties into the lake and makes you want to stop and wade it in. However, this lake and the streams that flow into the lake are extremely cold because they are mostly recently melted snow, so I don't think you would want to do it very long.
Just some beautiful views of mountains heading back to Waterton. In this one, you can tell we are getting close because of the view of the Prince of Wales hotel in the center, slightly to the right.
A view of the campground where I am staying. Can't see my rig, however.
Only the mountains on the west side of the lake burned in 2017. The ones on the east side, shown in the photo below are still green and have a lot of living trees on them.
Personally, I think these two people on waterboards are a bit nuts, considering the temperature of the lake water. Brrrr.
Great visit to Canadian Waterton Lakes National Park. I really enjoyed the views, the full hookup campground, and the little town. I even got some of my Christmas shopping done!!
Tomorrow, I take a short drive to see another lake that is within this national park. Then, I head north to a buffalo jump called "Face Smashed in." (If you are a buffalo or bison, and are forced to jump off a steep cliff, you definitely have a smashed face!! More on that in a couple of days.)