Friday, January 5, 2018

1/5 Bighorn Sheep Herd

I went out late this afternoon to take my payment envelope to the pay station to sign up for five more days in this lovely place. On my way, I found people watching and taking pictures of these five male bighorn sheep. I have seen piles of sheep poop and also hoof prints in the soft sand, so I knew they hung around this campground, but figured it was mostly at night or in the early morning. 

Not sure how this small group of bachelor males is related, but they seem to be all about the same size and age. They also look positively chubby for living in such a dry place. In the past in various places, I have seen small herds that consist of a large male and several smaller females. (The females also have smaller and thinner horns.) This is the first time I have seen a group of five, prime adult rams!  They should be out competing for females this time of year. 

Even while they were eating, at least one of them still had an eye on us.  These two are now eating sagebrush. 

They call them bighorn sheep for obvious reasons!  I wonder how much each set of horns weigh?  

Here is a video I took.  Sorry for the wobbly camera, but there was no place to steady it. 


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