Monday, April 26, 2021

4/20 Chaco Canyon, Pueblo Bonito

This is the second half of my tour of Chaco Canyon.  Pueblo Bonito is the large dwelling that we usually think of when we think of Chaco Canyon.  In reality, there are several pueblos or villages that comprise this large group of communities, and this one is just the biggest.  Hard to believe that so many people lived here in these 800 rooms.  It was built in stages between 2 and 1126 AD.

One of the problems is that most of the photos you have seen of Pueblo Bonito were taken from above, so it does not look very impressive as you approach it on foot. 

The trail begins on the side of the pueblo and goes around behind it.  What is interesting is that many rock slides have either almost destroyed or did destroy much of the back of the semicircle.  How would you like to live here when these came down? 

You can begin to see the semicircular shape of the pueblo in this photo. 

What is surprising is the number of kivas in the center of the pueblo, and there are more that have never been uncovered. 

This wall was bulging and needed holding up.

Can't help it, but look at the varying colors of these lichen!!

Now, we have cut through the back wall and are looking at the many rooms inside.  Also, consider that this is just the first floors.  Many of these rooms had second and even third floors above them.

One of the many kivas.

I am in the center courtyard now.  Probably this was filled with areas where people worked under shaded shelters. 

And another kiva.

My archeologist tour guide said these corner windows exist no where else.  Not sure why they were built this way, but there are many in this pueblo.

The rows of beams show you where a floor/roof was for a second and third floor.

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