Luckily, I was able to get a few nights here and there in the area, and my cousin and his wife were kind enough to let me camp next to their driveway--with a 30 amp hookup, no less! This is driveway camping luxury!! And it was great to catch up with him and compare family stories.
So, on Saturday, we went out to lunch and drove around Venice a bit. Lunch was at a unique place called Snook Haven. Snook is a kind of fish and this place had been everything from a southern bootlegger camp to a bordello. It is on the Myakka River, parts of which has been designated a wild river.
This photo shows looking down the river towards the restaurant dock. Unfortunately, the tour boat shown is out of commission because of low water levels, but I will keep it in mind for another time.

Hard to see because of all the trees, but this is just part of the restaurant. You can eat in or out on the patio.
The next couple of photos are a mysterious blue. I tried to adjust the color, but it did not help much. Somehow, I must have pushed a button and reset the color.
Way in the back, you can almost see the live band playing. They have live music almost every day here.
Same place, but a few minutes later, and my photos are turning out normal colors! I have no idea what I did wrong or right.
Heading back to the truck after a very good meal!