First, three weeks ago, the roller under my kitchen slide pulled out of the particle board it is attached to for the second time. It looked like this, but is supposed to be attached to the floor so the kitchen slide above it has some support as it comes in and out. (Do you know how hard it is to lay on your stomach and take photos through a 3" space at my age?)
And I was having to live with the front slide stuck in until I could get an appointment to have it fixed. So my living space was narrower than usual. Had trouble opening the refrigerator door all the way, also. Luckily, I had lots of space in the back as the rear slide was working fine. 

So, this second time Fleetwood repaired my roller, I insisted they do it so it would never pull out of the junky particle board it had been attached to. They added a couple of extra bolts and bolted entirely through the slide to a steel plate they attached on the bottom. You can see the bolts and screws in this photo where there originally had been just screws. (And, yes, I know it is dirty under there, but the space is too low to get the vacuum cleaner hose in there. I will try a stick with a wet paper towel this week.)
And here is the plate as seen from the bottom of my slide. It has been painted white. Can't see the bolts because they are in the plate inside of the vehicle, even when the slide is extended.
Second problem was that I had hit a very large rolling chunk of rubber from a dump truck tire blowout on the freeway. It not only bent my entry steps, but damaged the motor that opens and closes them. So, here is how I was getting into and out of my motorhome while I was waiting for new steps to arrive. Not good in an emergency, but better than a large jump.
Now I have shiny and un-rusty new steps!! Yea!
Another problem was that my sink had been leaking slightly for several months. I got tired of wiping up crud, so had Fleetwood fix it. Here is the "before" photo where you can see the gunk and corrosion that had collected. 

The big white thing on the left, by the way, is my hot water heater tucked under a counter, between my oven and sink. I was afraid to try to unscrew this myself because I was afraid it would break. I did not notice, but the bottom of my sink looks a bit rusty. Hmmm.
And here is how my drain looks now. Much cleaner and no leaking.
Finally, I bought a new chunk of carpeting and a front door rug from Target the other day, and tossed the old green rug I had under my recliner. Target had a bunch of bound carpeting pieces in just the size I need to fit under my chair but not interfere with my slide when it is in. Cost was only $15, a real bargain. I am happy with how it feels on my bare feet and really like the lighter color much more than the ugly old green one. 

I have spent a ton of money this year on repairs, so I am hoping nothing else breaks for a while. 🤞
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