Key West is almost always filled with crazy crowds of people--from usual tourists to cruise ship passengers, to the young people who are attracted to and live in the town. It is an interesting place, to say the least.
This is Willie T's bar, where the custom is to take a dollar bill, write something on it, and staple or tape it to whatever surface you can find.
A lot of interesting buildings, even without dollar bills.
My first serious stop was the Hemingway House. It was said that he built this brick wall to prevent tourists from looking at his home after he became famous. However, since it is only about four feet tall, I think he must not have been very serious about being seen. Even I could see over it.
Some pictures of the inside.
These are supposed to be his private books. I could not help but check out some of the titles.
Poise? I remember him being said to being rather grumpy and unfriendly, so I assume this must have been a gift.
This fireplace was interesting because it was made of wood, but painted to look like marble.
Like a lot of the houses in Key West, there was a balcony around nearly all of the house.

The Hemingway family was known for its six-toed cats. There were at least a dozen or so cats lounging around, some with five and some with six or more toes. Can you count this cat's toes? These are supposed to be the descendants of the original cats.
They had some kittens locked up in cages during the day, but check out the toes on this one.
Apparently, this was the most expensive pool every constructed because it had to be hand-picked through the limestone by hand as power tools could not be used. It cost more than twice as much as the rest of the house and property.
Had to move a cat to buy a t-shirt.
This cat was hiding his or her toes.
Hemingway's office and studio was on the top floor of another building. The furniture is supposed to be original, as are the books.
I took the train tour around town and got off at the marina.
Some day I would like to take the ferry to the Dry Tortugas National Park, but it requires a ferry ride and an all-day excursion. Cost is $165, and you have to be at the dock at 7:00 am and don't get back until 5:30 p.m. This would mean renting a car for the day, getting up and leaving campsite at 5:00 a.m., driving to Key West in the dark, finding a place to park, and then not getting back to motorhome until 7:30 p.m., which also would be in the dark. I would not want to do it during the heat of the summer, so late fall or winter is only choice. Maybe in a couple of years. Here is web site with more info:

Went inside this building and found a hen and her chicks. Chickens are also running wild in Key West, and you can constantly hear roosters crowing. Supposedly they were released by sailors in the 19th Century.
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