This greets you as you enter. I had a hard time taking a photo because of all the spotlights.
What I liked about this museum is that they had a large amount of space, of which this is only a small amount, showing how paleontologists find and get bones out of the rock.
This room often has people working on removing fossils from the plaster coverings.
The displays started with the oldest fossils. These are two of the biggest trilobites I have ever seen--about 2 feet tall.
Wouldn't you be surprised if you caught this guy on a rod and reel?
Look at the teeth on this fish!
And this one, too.
The plaque describes the next photo.

This is a very similar looking dinosaur.

And a really, really big dinosaur!

It was really hard to get a photo of Supersaurus because it was so big, but here is most of the beast. The head is on the far end.
A frilled dinosaur.
This next room showed this giant turtle.
And the underneath of the giant turtle.
Another fish with big teeth, but this one is huge.
And a dwarf mammoth.
There is always a picture I miss taking. When I arrived at 10:00 am, I parked way back figuring on having plenty of room to get out. When I returned, I was almost completely blocked in. In fact, someone parked two feet from my front bumper! Luckily my fellow parkers were kind enough to leave enough space behind me that I was able to get out! I should have taken photos of how blocked in I was, but I was focused on just getting out. One advantage I DO have is a real, very large steel bumper on the front of my vehicle. Someday, I will have to use it.

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