Saturday, January 31, 2015

1/31 Four Big Cruisers in Ortona Locks

I had a nice quiet couple of days with getting some work done, watching TV, and making pasties to freeze.  This is a nice quiet campground with not a lot of action, which is fine with me.  It is filled with mostly senior couples who are snowbirds.  (No playground or things for children to do, so almost no younger families.)  People hang around outside in group in late afternoon, chatting and comparing notes of where everyone is from and where they are headed.

This morning I was putting in my slides to get ready for my day's outing and to dump my tanks, and I saw four boats waiting to get into the locks.  I dropped everything and grabbed my camera and headed over to the lock

Just in time to watch the first boat go in.  This one was my favorite because it had two big decks with room to easily walk around all sides.  It looks like maybe 1930s vintage, but hard to say.  

This one had a heavy-duty steel hull.

This one definitely had a sleek and modern style!

And the last one was from Charlevoix.  Wonder how they got it here? 

Everyone on shore was waving and taking photos, and the people on the boats were taking pictures of us and each other.  We guessed they might be traveling together. 

The far lock gates are open, and away they all go! 

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